DCSW19: Why Angels Need to Focus on Female Founders

DCSW19: Why Angels Need to Focus on Female Founders at Google DCWe know the statistics: Less than 3% of VC funding goes to female founders, YET female founded startups tend to bring better returns when they do get investment dollars. Join us to hear from angels and female founders on why woman-focused, woman-run angel group is so needed. Livestreams powered by: Pie Insurance

Posted by DC Startup Week on Tuesday, September 10, 2019

I recently listened to a podcast with Annie Weller called Find your Tribe. It’s a delightful look into how people from different industries found their tribe, and in some cases, created their tribe. The feeling of belonging we get from our tribes fills a need we have as social creatures for belonging and acceptance. Listening to peers and their experiences is also a key way that adults learn outside classroom environments. I learned this early in my career when I staffed a chapter of WPO in New York with the inimitable Mindy Goodfriend. I was able to observe the chapter of successful women business owners and the guiding principle of the group was not to give advice, but to share experiences. The effect this group had on me, as well as its members was incredible. So much so that I’m now happy to chair a chapter of WPO. It also shaped how I look at the groups I gravitate to and the advice I give to clients about leveraging their own networks. When a group like this works for you, the effect is less like a lesson learned but more like a spell cast. It can break down mental barriers you didn’t even know you had.


The process of finding your tribe can be tricky during times of transition like when you start a business or move to a new town. I was on a panel during DC Startup Week where my fellow panelist Marla Blow mentioned resources that had been helpful to her as an entrepreneur. It reminded me to write down a list of resources I give business owners about finding their tribes in DC and thought it would be worth sharing here:


Thinking about starting a business/Pre-Launch

Activation Bootcamp

Hera Hub Launch

Seed Spot 2 Day Launch Camp


Resources and Information Hubs

DC Inno


Beacon DC


Growing and Scaling/Mentorship

Certification organizations:

Capital Region MSDC


NGLCC (National and DC and MD)

Disability: IN


Hera Hub Membership

Her Corner

Seed Spot

Street Entrepreneurs

Vinetta Project


Membership/Peer Advisory/Masterminds

Greater Silver Spring Chamber Small Business Circle

Women Presidents’ Organization


This is by no means an all-inclusive list but this is what I think of when people ask me the organizations I can personally recommend as having an impact on local businesses, and ones I’ve worked with. I didn’t mention funding and pitching because for most companies, I advise checking out one of these organizations first and building your profile in the ecosystem first. If I left something off the list, please let me know- I plan to update as necessary!